What is an Oral Health Therapist?

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What is an oral health therapist?
Everything you need to know about an oral health therapist.
Dentistry is a complex specialty, with many sub-specialties each dealing with a specific part of dental procedures. Perhaps the most important aspect of dental care is home care, and educating patients on how to properly take care of their teeth, gums and mouths in general. For that, an entirely new specialty has emerged, one that is a completely separate degree than that of dentistry, and that is oral therapy.
An oral hygiene therapist (also known as an oral hygiene therapist) is exactly what the name suggests. He\she is a professional that deals mainly with your oral hygiene and how to maintain and improve your oral cleaning regimens.

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How much is it to visit the oral health therapist?

How much is it to visit the oral health therapist?

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  1. Usually, you would need to visit the oral therapist once or twice a year (sometimes more than that if your condition requires so). Usually, each of these visits costs about $150 to $300. That visit can include any oral therapy procedure such as cleaning and fluoride application, or just simply a check-up to see if you are keeping up with their advice.

    An oral hygiene therapist is a much needed dental professional, working closely with dentists to aid them in maintaining and following up with their patients’ oral hygiene regimens 

What are the advantages
of seeing an oral health therapist?

Keeps your smile bright

Removes hard bacteria

Makes home care easier

Get diet advice

Overall health

Saves money long-term

What are the advantages
of seeing a hygienist?
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Learn more about
oral health therapists.

Understanding your condition is the
key to making the right choices for you 

An oral therapist can not only perform procedures that improve your oral health such as cleaning and Fluoride application, but he\she also offers advice on how to take care of your teeth, and follows-up with you on your oral hygiene habits.

He\she is responsible for procedures related to oral health, mainly calculus removal and teeth cleaning, fluoride application to strengthen teeth, as well as aid the dentist in spotting and diagnosing dental diseases, and do some minor dental procedures such as fissure sealing and small fillings.

An oral therapist is mainly concerned with oral hygiene procedures such as cleaning and Fluoride application. A dentist can do all of the above, but is mainly concerned with more complex dental procedures such as fillings, root canals and extractions.

A dentist can perform all the procedures that an oral therapist does, but they mainly work together since a therapist has the time and capacity to not only perform these procedures, but follow up with you on how you are taking care of your teeth, which a dentist is almost always too occupied to do.

Oral health therapy is a 3 year qualification program. After which, he is qualified to do all of the abovementioned procedures pertaining to oral hygiene as well as minor dental procedures such as diagnosis, fissure sealants and small fillings.

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