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Connecting dentists with motivated patients ready to start treatment.

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Australia’s only online marketplace dedicated to connecting dentists with patients that align with the way they do business 

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Compare quotes, manage your appointments, store dental records, and more. For people who want better dental.
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Everything you need to enhance practice efficiency. For clinics that want to offer better dental.
Clear aligners - Level 3
What is a LEVEL 3 case?
What we tell patients

You may not be suitable to be treated under the level you have selected or may not be suitable for clear aligner treatment at all. This will be discussed at the consultation.

Clear aligners - Level 2
What is a LEVEL 2 case?
What we tell patients

You may not be suitable to be treated under the level you have selected or may not be suitable for clear aligner treatment at all. This will be discussed at the consultation.

Wisdom teeth removal (twilight sedation)​​
What we tell patients

Quote is indicative only for four wisdom teeth to be removed under IV (twilight) sedation. The dentist will assess and let you know suitability at the first visit.

Ceramic crown​
What we tell patients

Quote is indicative only for a single ceramic crown only. The dentist will assess and let you know suitability at the first visit.

Take home teeth whitening​
What we tell patients

Quote is indicative only for top and bottom home teeth whitening custom trays and kit. The dentist will assess and let you know suitability at the first visit.

In-chair teeth whitening
What we tell patients
Quote is indicative only for teeth whitening in the dental chair by a dental professional. The dentist will assess and let you know suitability at the first visit.
Six porcelain veneers​
What we tell patients

Quote is indicative only for six porcelain veneers on your front top teeth – the most common scenario. The dentist will assess and let you know suitability and other options.

Clear aligners - Level 1
What is a LEVEL 1 case?
What we tell patients

You may not be suitable to be treated under the level you have selected or may not be suitable for clear aligner treatment at all. This will be discussed at the consultation.

Implant and crown​
What we tell patients

Quote is indicative only for a single implant, abutment and crown and the initial consultation. The dentist will assess and let you know suitability and other options.

Six Composite Veneers
What we tell patients
Quote is indicative only for six composite resin veneers on your front top teeth – the most common scenario. The dentist will assess and let you know suitability at the first visit.
New patient exam
What we tell patients

Occasionally more services are needed for the exam, your dentist will discuss this with you. Some dentists include more than the above, check thier profile for more infomation.

Check up and clean
What we tell patients

Occasionally more services are needed for the exam, your dentist will discuss this with you. Rarely, a general scale and clean isn’t suitable but we wont know till we do your check up

Emergency booking​​
What we tell patients

Sometimes more x-rays are needed to diagnose the problem. The dentist will assess and go through options to fix your problem. If time permits, they can start work immediately.

Wisdom teeth removal (all four)​
What we tell patients

Quote is indicative only for four wisdom teeth to be removed under local anaesthetic. The dentist will assess and let you know suitability at the first visit.

patient login on airsmile


Compare quotes, manage your appointments, store dental records, and more. For people who want better dental.
dentist login on airsmile


Everything you need to enhance practice efficiency. For clinics that want to offer better dental.